Some people say that if you do not have an Internet presence, or access, you practically do not exist in today’s business world. Moreover, some businesses only exist in the Internet world.
The incipient and evolving area of the law designated to regulate Internet activity is aptly called Internet or Cyber Law.
Internet Law, or Cyber Law, is a term that encapsulates the legal issues related to use of the Internet. Some leading topics include internet access and usage, privacy, freedom of expression, and jurisdiction. It also addresses topics related to Information Technology (IT).
A GOLAB IP Internet law attorney gets involved in drafting, negotiating, and interpreting agreements in the areas of software licensing and maintenance, IT consulting, e-commerce, web site hosting and development, and telecommunications agreements, as well as handling dispute resolution and assisting with the client's Internet domain name portfolio. The practice includes working with engineering, IT, and other business units and ensures that customer information gathered by the company is collected, stored, and used in compliance with privacy policies and applicable laws.